Of all the allocations, over $24 million dollars is earmarked for housing developments, including housing for low and moderate income Bronxites, as well as those seeking homeownership.
“Housing is a major issue of concern to almost everyone in New York, and I am proud to say that the Bronx is leading the way in providing housing opportunities for people of all incomes in our borough,” Carrion stated.
Continuing his support for the Bronx’ seniors, Carrion also allocated $1.75 million for senior housing developments throughout the borough.
Bronx parks will receive $5.2 million for park renovations, including major improvements at the Bicentennial Veterans Memorial Park in Throggs Neck and Pearly Gates Park near Westchester Square on Tratman Avenue.
“We are really excited about plans for Pearly Gates; there will be a complete renovation of everything in the park,” said Sandi Lusk, of the Westchester Square Zerega Improvement Organization. “The plans are beautiful and include a state of the art play area and sprinkler. Right now, it is a disaster with dangerous conditions.”
Lusk said that having a gleaming, active park at the location is especially important since the children who live in the apartment houses that surrounding the park do not have the benefit of backyards to play in. Also providing capital funding for Pearly Gates are Councilmembers Jimmy Vacca and Annabel Palma.
Vacca has been in touch with Bronx Parks Commissioner Hector Aponte, and according to a July 29 communication, Request for Proposal for Pearly Gates would go out later this year, with construction to begin in March or April of next year.
Also part of Carrion’s parks funding will be a new comfort station at Rodman’s Neck in Pelham Bay Park.
Another project that will brighten the futures of schoolchildren in the Bronx is a planetarium upgrade at Harry S. Truman high school Co-op City; it is part of $9 million Carrion is spending on K-12 education.
“I am certainly well-acquainted with the planetarium, having taught in Co-op City for many years, and think that it is a great educational asset to children in the borough,” said Assemblyman Michael Benedetto who represents the area. “I commend Adolfo for funding that project.”
Moreover, Carrion allocated over $2.2 million for higher education at Hostos Community and Bronx Community College; $1.2 million for libraries, including $300,000 for a partial renovation of the Castle Hill branch; $2.2. million for cultural institutions; and $1.5 million for health.