A little “natural” planning for the harried New Yorker: Come for a Saturday morning session of Tai Chi — when admission to the grounds at Wave Hill House is free — stroll through the expansive garden landscape, drop in the Cafe for a light lunch (maybe it will even be warm enough to enjoy it on the Terrace overlooking the Hudson!) and then drink in the paintings and drawings of Wave Hill trees on a tour of the exhibition in Glyndor Gallery. If you’re feeling invigorated by the fresh air, join the Woodland & Community Volunteering session after lunch. (Just make sure you’ve got sturdy shoes on your feet.) Before you leave, stop in the Perkins Visitor Center to plan your next foray here and find that perfect memento to keep your spirits afloat in the meantime.
Thursday, April 2: Gallery Tour: Join an Exhibition Interpreter for a tour of Arbores Venerabiles. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, noon.
Thursday, April 2: Garden Walk–Epiphytes In The Conservatory. In moist forests around the world, much of the smaller plant-life shuns the soil and prefers to grow on trees instead. Join Horticultural Interpreter Charles Day to see fascinating bromeliads, lush tropical ferns and exotic orchids that grow on lofty perches high above the ground. Free with admission to the grounds. Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 1 p.m.
Friday, April 3: Art Workshop–Nature Photography. Session 3: Experience Wave Hill’s emerging spring landscape through your camera lens with photographer Benjamin Swett. Each session explores the elements of a successful photograph, drawing on examples from student work, prepared slides, field exploration and outdoor shooting assignments. 6-session fee: $105 Member; $160 Non-member. Registration required; call (718( 549-3200, ext. 305. Continues April 17 and May 1, 15. Wave Hill House, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, April 4: Tai Chi Chuan. Quiet like a mountain, moving like a river, Tai Chi is a sequence of gentle movements based on images found in nature. Classes are led by Irving Yee, an active member of the William CC Chen Tai Chi Chuan School. Classes are held out-of-doors. Inclement weather cancels; call (718) 549-3200, ext. 245 by 8 a.m. of the day of the session to confirm. $10 member; $18 non-member. Pre-registration not required. Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 10 a.m. beginners, 11 a.m. intermediates
Saturday, April 4: Woodland & Community Volunteering: Wave Hill Herbert & Hyonja Abrons Woodland. Trails are dynamic and require regular maintenance to reduce the impact of erosion and visitor wear. Spend the afternoon improving trails in Wave Hill’s beautiful Herbert and Hyonja Abrons Woodland by hauling and spreading woodchips to replenish a natural surface and enhance our visitor experience. Wear sturdy shoes. Call (718) 549-3200, ext. 223 for more information. Meet at Wave Hill House, 1to 4 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday, April 4, 5: Family Art Project–My Green Heaven. My Green Heaven/Mi paraíso verde: Roll down fragrant, emerald hillsides. Marvel at the many tones of tiny leaflets and emerging shoots. Explore a world of verdant hues in paint and collage. Free with admission to the grounds. Free with admission to the grounds. The Sally and Gilbert Kerlin Learning Center, 1 to 4 p.m.
Saturday, April 4: Gallery Tour. Join an Exhibition Interpreter for a tour of Arbores Venerabiles paintings and drawings. Free with admission. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, 2 p.m.
Sunday, April 5: Sunday Brunch. Sunday Brunch features organic produce from Katchkie Farm, a project of Wave Hill’s exclusive caterer Great Performances. Reservations at 718.549.3200 x395 or by emailing amalie.young@greatperformances.com. $22 per person (not including admission to the grounds). Reservations by 4 p.m. the Friday before each Brunch. Wave Hill House, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sunday, April 5: Arbores Venerabiles Exhibition Reception. Meet the artists and curators of Arbores Venerabiles. Artists celebrate Wave Hill’s renowned tree collection through this exhibition of new paintings and drawings. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, 1 to 4 p.m.
Sunday, April 5: Garden Tour. Join in an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds. Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 2 p.m.
Tuesday, April 7: Tree Tour. Explore Wave Hill’s collection of unique and inspiring trees with one of our knowledgeable Garden Guides as we celebrate 2009 Year of the Trees. Topics include native trees, spring-flowering trees and notable trees of Wave Hill; topics vary by week. Tour concludes at Glyndor Gallery with an introduction to the exhibition there. Free with admission to the grounds. Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 11 a.m.
Wednesday, April 8: Gallery Tour. Join an Exhibition Interpreter for a tour of Arbores Venerabiles. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, noon.
Thursday, April 9: Gallery Tour. Join an Exhibition Interpreter for a tour of Arbores Venerabiles. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, noon.