Throggs Neck will soon have some extra flare, as the Throggs Neck Merchants Association dresses up their business district with new colorful banners.
Inspired by the actions of the Merchants & Business Professional of Westchester Square, which had green and white banners placed throughout Westchester Square to create a more aesthetically pleasing environment and signify the shopping district, the TNMA has begun taking steps towards the proposed installation.
John Cerini, president of the TNMA, hopes to place approximately 140 banners from Miles to LaSalle avenues; over 60 have been sold so far. Those businesses already sponsoring banners include Schuyler Hill Funeral Home, the Crosstown Diner and Tosca’s Café.
Merchants will be asked to pay two-thirds of the cost to sponsor the banners, which for the first cycle will display the sponsoring business’s name.
“The banners will have the sponsors name for 18 months to show merchants the benefit of putting their name up,” said Cerini. “I think it’s going to be a great success.”
According to Cerini the banners will read ‘thank you for shopping in Throggs Neck,’ with the business on the bottom and the TNMA logo. Banner colors will be revealed at a later date to surprise visitors of the area. “I want people to be amazed,” said Cerini. “I think it will make Throggs Neck look fantastic, and we will be placing them on the street side so people can see them as they drive by.”
The goal is to have all the permits approved and the banners in place by Thanksgiving, just in time for the holiday shopping season.
“We are putting these up to create an atmosphere of unity and to add a positive spin to our business strip,” said Cerini.
For more information call (646) 657-1312.