Taconic Partners unveil solar panel project at Eastchester Heights apartments

Solar panels are installed on the roof of the Eastchester Heights apartment complex, located at 3480 Seymour Ave., on July 21, 2021.
Photo Jewel Webber

Taconic Partners and Clarion Partners hosted an event in celebration of the Solar Panel completion at the Eastchester Heights apartment complex in the Bronx on July 21.

In attendance was Andrew Schuartz, vice president of Taconic Partners; New York City Councilman Kevin Riley, District 12; Paula Schaefer, senior vice president of Clarion Partners ; Jeffrey Perlman, CEO and founder of Bright Power Inc.; David Sandbank, vice president of Distributed Energy Resources;  and Alexandrae Wint, community relations director for New yORK State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, amongst others.

From left, Andrew Schuartz, vice president of Taconic Partners; NYC Councilman Kevin Riley; Paula Schaefer, senior vice president of Clarion Partners; Jeffrey Perlman, CEO and founder at Bright Power Inc.; David Sandbank, vice president of Distributed Energy Resources; and Alexandrae Wint, community relations director for state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.

“The importance of this project can not be underestimated,” Schwartz said.

The Bronx has been No. 62 on the totem pole when it comes to health, including the highest asthma rate, but progress is starting to take shape. One of the cleanest sources of energy — solar energy — is being implemented in the Bronx.

“The community has to come together to make this happen … Some of the things that we are implementing now, we are possibly never going to see in our lifetime,” Riley said. “But that should not make us selfish enough not to make these changes for our families moving forward.”

Riley also touched on flooding and the impacts it had on nearby train stations where people were literally swimming to safety. “If we’re going to lead forward, we have to step up now,”  he said.

-reporting by Jewel Webber