(The following letter was sent to elected officials in support of NYPD)
The blatant disrespect of our fine men and woman of the NYPD has reached a point of community crisis. The overall disregard for the law in this dynamic is partially tethered to past legislative changes and current political inactions. The Climate Change that should be feared is the ‘Anti-Police’ political climate that fosters heinously disrespectful behaviors, and criminal activities. Our environment is now painted with a tainted brush stroke that harnesses those fine men and woman of NYPD that proudly serve our communities and want to protect our rights to a fine quality of life.
We need textbook enforcements of all existing laws including sub areas of penal code 120.00 that are in part designed to protect our law enforcement.
Penal code 120.05 stipulates it is assault in the second degree to intentionally assault any peace officer or transit operator with the intent to prevent them from performing their duties. Penal code 120.18 (Menacing a Police officer) invokes strong, long lasting punitive damages to any individual that assaults a police officer or member of law enforcement. A conviction under this law, a class D felony, carries a maximum 15-year prison sentence and a mandatory 3-½ year prison term without prior convictions. Going forward, perhaps amendments to these laws, in cases where member of law enforcement or their agents are physically impeded or attacked, should include mandated no bail clauses.
The Spencer Estate Civic Association in concert with our fellow community civic associations need to know what plan of action will be forthcoming to curtail these egregious occurrences and show our police officers the respect and support they unequivocally deserve.
I thank you in advance for your anticipated efforts and personal response to this appallingly dispirited situation.
George Havranek
vice-president, Spencer
Estate Civic Association