A new facility for low-income seniors that will allow them to “age in place” is rising on the campus of Rebekah Rehab & Extended Care. The new 72-unit apartment building occupies some of the space of the now closed Castle Harbour Casino on Havemeyer Avenue.
Built as part of the federal government’s Department of Housing and Urban Development 202 Senior Housing Program, the new efficiency apartment building for residents 62 years old and over will complement Rebekah Rehab’s 213-bed state-of-the-art nursing facility opened in 2007. The facility, located at 1072 Havemeyer Avenue, is sponsored by the fraternal Independnent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
Rebekah Rehab & Extended Care CEO Kenneth Gelb said that the funding for the new building is already in place despite Washington’s planned cuts to the 202 program in the fiscal year 2011.
“We are going to be completing construction of low income senior housing in December 2010,” Gelb said. “These service components will help people age in place.”
Gelb said that with the outpatient nursing care program and the more acute care nursing facility, the senior housing will be complemented by a variety of different levels of care. Residents of the new building will likely need more care as they become older and more frail. He feels confident that the array of services offered on the campus will allow seniors who move in to spend all of their time there in comfort.
As for Castle Harbour Casino, Gelb said that Rebekah Rehab has purchased the property and will utilize a small portion of it in the construction of the new housing. The catering hall went out of business, Gelb explained.
“They were unable to continue under their business model,” Gelb said. “We decided many years ago that we might make use of the property.”
Gelb said that his organization will be holding its 7th annual benefit gala at Marina del Rey on Thursday, June 17.Anyone intersted in attending the gala, or learning more about the new housing, should contact Connie at (718) 863-6200 ext. 1102.
Reach Patrick Rocchio at (718) 742-3393 or procchio@cnglocal.com