Loving Couples At Triboro Center

Loving Couples At Triboro Center|Loving Couples At Triboro Center
Photo courtesy of Centers Health Care and Triboro Center|Photo courtesy of Centers Health Care and Triboro Center

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, here is the interesting tale of two couples who are in love, but not married,and found each other while residing at Triboro Center. Harold King, 65, a former attorney, and Miyoshi Thompson, 45, who worked in data entry, met four years ago at Triboro Center when Harold saved Miyoshi from being annoyed by an another resident. Harold then kissed Miyoshi and they have been together ever since. Francine Miller, 69, a former insurance worker, and Leon Codrington, Sr., 53, a self-employed beverage distributor, fell in love after meeting each other two years. In an interesting twist, it was Harold who introduced Leon to Frances.

Miyoshi Thompson (l) with Harold King.
Photo courtesy of Centers Health Care and Triboro Center