As part of the NYC Housing Authority’s NextGeneration goal to become a more efficient and effective landlord and help residents enjoy a better quality of life, it recently added a live-in caretaker at two developments for senior residents in the Bronx — Boston Road Plaza and Middletown Plaza.
The live-in caretaker performs janitorial and maintenance work in the development during regular business hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., according to a news release.
As a resident on premises, the caretaker is available to respond to all emergency situations.
In the senior developments, where residents require more attention, having someone on the premises 24 hours a day, seven days a week is expected to make a difference.
“We know that we have seniors who are vulnerable, seniors who often need assistance, seniors who have medical issues, so having someone on premises means that their needs can be addressed,” said Councilman James Vacca.
Vacca visited Boston Road Plaza on Thursday, October 19, to let the seniors know that they have somebody on site helping them.
“This is something that’s going to be an invaluable resource for these tenants, so it’s good news for the seniors,” Vacca said.
The biggest complaint Vacca said he heard from the two senior residences is that nobody is there for them, but now someone is there to keep the building nice, help them, and give them guidance, he said.
Antonio Cordero, the new live-in caretaker at Boston Road Plaza, said, “I started as a caretaker at Carver Houses (in Manhattan) and now I’m here as (the live-in) site caretaker.”
The feedback that Cordero hears from residents is that he’s doing a good job.
“That’s what I’m trying to do, because I was born and raised in the projects, so I know what the tenants want and what the residents need,” Cordero said. “I try my best to get it done, and just keep doing it.”
Cordero, born and raised in Brooklyn’s Van Dyke Houses, said as a live-in caretaker he hopes to keep the residents happy by keeping the building clean, and helping them with any problems.
Laurenne Talbert, vice president of the Boston Road Plaza Resident Association, said, “I have seen a big difference since we have our new live-in caretaker, Antonio. He is awesome. Our building has been kept immaculate. He does an awesome job, an excellent job.”
Antonio has been working for NYCHA since 2010, and has been working at Boston Road Plaza as the live-in caretaker since Tuesday, September 5.
Talbert has been living at Boston Road Plaza for 25 years and thinks the new live-in caretaker is awesome.
“I noticed a difference within two days of him being here,” Talbert said. “The floors, elevators and lobbies are cleaner and I’m hearing good things from neighbors, as well.”