Health care reform provides for a penalty.
Dear editor,
I applaud the patriotism of Steven Eskow in opposing the so-called health care bill passed in the US House and informing us about it with his recent letter.
A few minutes after reading his letter, I called the Washington office of Joseph Crowley-the US representative for New York’s 7th Congressional District in which I live. I was told that the staffer who worked on that 1,990-page monstrosity of a bill was unavailable. The staffer who answered my call was willing to answer questions I had on the bill, so I fired away two. The first was whether Mr. Crowley and/or his staffer Eli Kogan read the entire bill, and the answer was ‘yes.’ The second was what will be the amount of the fine for those who refuse to buy health insurance (one of the bill’s mandates) and what’ll be the punishment for those who don’t pay the fine; the staffer’s answer was that he didn’t know. I thanked him for his time, believing his first answer and disbelieving his second answer.
Lawmakers Crowley, Engel and the rest of the neo-Bolsheviks who voted for this bill want to force us into “the system” that they’ve created for us. And if we don’t join willingly, they’ll fine us, probably thousands of dollars. And if we don’t pay the fine, they’ll probably throw us into federal prison. Mr. Crowley’s staffer doesn’t know the penalties in this bill for not buying insurance? And all the news articles I’ve read on this story also don’t specify the amount of the fine and what the penalties will be for those who don’t pay it. They’re keeping us in the dark until the bill passes and then they’ll spring it on us!
Again, I applaud Mr. Eskow. I salute his patriotism. I’ll do whatever I can to stop this bill from passing and more importantly, provide the voters in the Bronx and the rest of this city and country with a real alternative to the neo-Bolshevik machine which rules us in this borough and city and threatens to spread to the entire country.
Ken Reynolds
Pro-life stance shifts
(The following letter was sent to Congressman Joseph Crowley).
Dear Congressman Crowley,
As the pastors of the Roman Catholic parishes of the East Bronx Vicariate, we are writing to you to express our dismay at your recent vote against the Stupak Amendment to the Affordable Health Care for America Act passed by the House of Representatives on November 7. The fact that 64 Democrats crossed party lines to vote for this amendment makes your “nay vote” even more puzzling.
In the past we were happy to see your solid “pro-life stance” in the House. However, in recent votes, you have sadly taken a different stance. One civic group, called One Nation Under God, lists your career pro-life voting record at an abysmally low 27%.
Specifically regarding the health care issue, we remind you of the letter of the United States Bishops of October 8, which states: “No one should be required to pay for or participate in abortion. It is essential that the (proposed health care) legislation clearly apply to this new program, the longstanding and widely supported federal restrictions on abortion funding and mandates, and protections for rights of conscience…If acceptable language in these areas cannot be found, we will have to oppose the health care bill vigorously.” Thankfully 240 of your colleagues agreed with the bishops and voted accordingly for the Stupak Amendment; regrettably you did not.
The Catholic Church has been in the forefront of efforts to provide health care and health coverage for all our citizens. We are saddened when former pro-life legislators like you cannot assure us that our pro-life concerns will be addressed in this much needed legislation. It will interest you to know that parishioners in our parishes (which constitute a good part of your district) have brought your voting record to our attention. They obviously share our concern and our dismay over your vote.
We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this issue. May you have the strength and the fortitude once again to stand for the most defenseless of our citizens, namely the unborn. In their name, we ask you to reconsider your votes in the future.
Rev. Robert Badillo, Our Lady of Solace
Msgr. Thomas B. Derivan, St. Helena’s
Msgr. Donald M. Dwyer
Our Lady of Assumption
Rev. James Flanagan, Holy Family
Rev. Matthew Furey, St. Francis Xavier
Msgr. John Graham, St. Raymond’s
Rev. Robert Grippo, St. Theresa’s
Rev. Richard Guarnieri, St. Clare’s
Rev. Joseph Kelly, St. Anthony’s
Rev. Peter Pomposello, Holy Cross
Rev. Fernandano Real, Santa Maria
Rev. Michael Sullivan
St. Frances de Chantal
Community showed kindness, compassion
Dear editor,
Most of us complain when something goes wrong but have difficulty acknowledging acts of kindness and compassion. In that vein, I would like to thank everyone in our community who helped and guided us during my mother’s recent illness and subsequent passing. The nurses and doctors at Weiler Hospital at Einstein were outstanding in their kindness and attentiveness, especially the nurses in ICU who were always available. Jim McQuade and all those at Schuyler Hill handled the arrangements with care and professionalism and guided us through the difficult process. Father Sullivan at St. Frances de Chantal did not know my mother personally, but the funeral mass and eulogy reflected a deep understanding of her faith and commitment. Finally, Kathy Gallagher and the gang at the Wicked Wolf welcomed us after the funeral so we could reflect and reminisce. Whoever said New Yorkers are cold and uncaring has never visited this part of the Bronx. Thanks all.
Marion M. Cronin
TV assaults our peace
Dear editor,
What makes it okay to sell an end of the world scenario movie every five minutes on broadcast TV? How many nightmares have been foisted upon the unknowing public, the young and the old, who gaze at the commercials waiting for their show to continue? It is bad enough that every morning if you watch TV, before you leave your home you will be subjected to repeated exposure of horror and terror!
Life is not a black background with white dots, it is a white background with black dots, do we always have to focus on the black dots? Does the first amendment rights allow purveyors to assault our lives via our peripheral vision reality? There has to be a better way!
Tom Hansen
Large dogs unleashed
Dear editor,
My husband and I enjoy bringing our small dog to Pelham Bay Park. We do not bring him into the dog run, as it is always full of large dogs. We just stroll around the park.
Recently, we have noticed that people are letting their dogs run loose all over the park. I am talking pit bulls, shepherds, and everything in between. These dogs spot our dog and come streaking toward us. These people have seen us pick up our dog in fright, yet they do not call their dogs or leash them. They just stand around talking to each other.
What has happened to the Leash Law? The dog run was made for the purpose of letting the dogs run around in there. The rest of the park should be enjoyed without having to worry about being attacked.
Jeanette Dennehy