Letter: BronxNet does its part to ensure politics debates

BronxNet has 12 high definition channels across two platforms.
Photo courtesy BronxNet

To the Editor,

I’m not sure what media Maria Danzillo is referring to in her opinion piece about political debates, but she certainly is unfamiliar with “BronxTalk” on BronxNet.

Over the last 28 years I have moderated 91 Bronx political debates and almost without exception, not only have Democratic candidates been enthusiastic participants, but it’s become the expectation that if you’re running for office in the Bronx, you’ll have the opportunity to debate your opponent(s) on BronxNet’s “BronxTalk.”

While Ms. Danzillo criticizes the “media” for being unbalanced, it’s important to note that over the last several years these debates on BronxNet have not only been co-sponsored by the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of New York, with whom we have enjoyed a fruitful partnership, but these political programs have also been supported by a number of Bronx newspapers, including the Bronx Times, in which her opinion piece appeared.

In fact, just this week we recorded an hour-long special political forum that featured Republican/Conservative and Democratic candidates in the races for Assembly in the 80th and 81st Assembly Districts and the 34th Senate District.  This is standard fare for “BronxTalk” on BronxNet for essentially every special election, primary, and general election over the last 28 years.

Maybe when it comes to other media in other municipalities Ms. Danzillo’s point-of-view is accurate, but when it comes to the boogie-down Bronx and the voter literacy commitment of “BronxTalk” on BronxNet, we’ve got it covered.

Gary Axelbank,

Host of BronxNet’s “BronxTalk”