Community-Police Relations Foundation hosts cocktails and conversation event at Club Macanudo

A group photo with Detective Brant; NLPOA Bronx Civilian VP, Gabe DeJesus; Lieutenant Lorraine Perez; Al Eskanazy, the founding Chairman and CEO of Community- Police Relations Foundation; Jeremy Charles Shockey, American former professional football player in the National Football League; Westchester County Corrections/NLPOA Bronx 1st VP, Eric Fuentes; NLPOA Member/Retired Captain, Cedric Green (front) holding his winning NY football helmet; NYS Court Sgt/NLPOA Bronx Recording Secretary, Lory Marty and NYS Court Officer/NLPOA Bronx trustee, Chris Torres.
Photo Jewel Webber

The Community Police Relations Foundation Executive Board hosted “Cocktails & Conversation” at Club Macanudo on July 17 in association with retired NYPD Det. John Timpanaro. 

Al Eskanazy, the founding Chairman and CEO of Community-Police Relations Foundation speaking to all present in Club Macanudo. Photo Jewel Webber.

Born and raised in the Bronx, Al Eskanazy, the founding Chairman and CEO of the nonprofit Community-Police Relations Foundation was present. =

A group photo with Detective Brant holding his prize; Al Eskanazy, the founding Chairman and CEO of Community- Police Relations Foundation; Frank Chiaramonte, NYPD Chief of Department Clergy Liaison and others. Photo Jewel Webber.

Jeremy Shockey, a former professional American football player who was a tight end in the National Football League, and New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones were also present.

Community Police Relations Foundation hosts events both in the Bronx and state-wide.

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