Children, staff from PAL celebrate with National Women’s Soccer Team

Children, staff from PAL celebrate with National Women’s Soccer Team|Children, staff from PAL celebrate with National Women’s Soccer Team
Photo courtesy of the Police Athletic League|Photo courtesy of the Police Athletic League

Children and staff from the Police Athletic League attended the ceremony at City Hall that followed the ticker-tape parade celebration for the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team’s World Cup Championship on Friday, July 10. At the ceremony, held by Mayor de Blasio, four PAL girls from M.S. 118 greeted the players, while more than 50 PAL participants and staff members cheered on the winning team.

Reach Reporter Steven Goodstein at (718) 260-4599. E-mail him at
Aniyah Gilmore, Sirrenity Tribble, Frederick Watts, Haichung Sung, and Beleric Pacheco get ready to cheer on the World Cup Champion U.S. Women’s Soccer Team.
Photo courtesy of the Police Athletic League