In June, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Sanitation introduced alternate side parking on the west side of Emerson Avenue, the north side of Miles Avenue and the south side of Randall Avenue in Throggs Neck. Three weeks later, it was removed, DOT spokesman Monty Dean said.
The alternate side parking was introduced following a Community Board 10 district service cabinet meeting. DSNY alerted CB10 to a number of sanitation-related complaints; CB10 facilitated the alternate side parking.
Bibi Alli, an Emerson resident, was thrilled.
“Emerson is a dead end,” Alli, 50, said. “People come and drop their garbage here. We need the street cleaning.”
The west side of Emerson has angled parking. There is no parking at any time on the east side of Emerson Avenue. Alli has a driveway; not all of her neighbors do. Disgruntled Emerson residents circulated an anti alternate side parking petition and appealed to Councilman James Vacca, who notified DOT and DSNY. On Friday, June 12, DOT had the alternate side parking signs on Emerson and Balcom taken down.
DOT and DSNY failed to meet with Emerson and Balcom residents prior to the change, Vacca said. Few blocks in Throggs Neck are subject to alternate side parking. The alternate side parking signs made Emerson a no parking street on Mondays from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
“No parking on either side – that posed a problem,” Vacca said.
Trash does build up on Emerson, Vacca admitted. Dogs defecate on the sidewalk and grass. Emerson is a teenage hangout and illegal dump.
“Terrible,” Alli said.
Street cleaning may not be the answer, however. Vacca suggested that Parks Department staff tend the Emerson-Ferry Point Park fence. Throggs Neck Home Owners Association president Lynn Gerbino urged Emerson residents to pick up. Alli already does, she said.
“I’m not in favor or opposed to alternate side parking,” said Vacca. “But when you have one and two-family houses, it’s good to get a consensus.”
Gerbino had asked CB10 district manager Ken Kearns and a DSNY representative to attend her June meeting; Kearns and DSNY canceled when DOT had the alternate side parking signs removed.
Vacca thanked DOT and DSNY for responding to the Emerson petition.