Allerton residents satisfied their craving for summer fun and delicious ethnic food at a time honored neighborhood celebration. The Allerton Avenue International Merchants Association, Allerton Avenue Homeowners and Tenants Association, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj and senators Jamaal Bailey and Jeff Klein in conjunction with MAS Productions hosted the tenth annual Allerton Avenue International Food Festival on Saturday, June 24 on Allerton Avenue between Barnes and Wallace avenues.

Steuben Vega (l) of Abby and Friends gave Alex (r) some ‘grrreat’ face paint.
Photo by SIlvio Pacifico

Singer-songwriter EC Salsero (c) performed at this year’s festival.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico

Tiara Ruby Damon (l) and Olivia Guilford registered young ladies for the Talitha Cumi Urban Etiquette and Leadership Academy.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico

P.S. 89 Panthers and coach Angelica Reyes (back, c) raised money for their squad.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico

Patricia Vicaro (l) bought delicious food from Gina Tiarulli (back, l) at Mamma Rose’s stall. Bailey Provetto, one of three judges of the food contest, was taste testing.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico

Jesus Villarreal couldn’t cook enough kebabs for the hungry festival goers.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico