VMA’s Det. McDonald Evening Of Champions

VMA’s Det. McDonald Evening Of Champions|VMA’s Det. McDonald Evening Of Champions
Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico

Villa Maria Academy hosted its 28th annual Detective Steven McDonald Evening of Champions Dinner Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, April 12 to recognize Villa’s Fitness Champions from kindergarten through eighth grade emphasizing physical education’s importance and to honor McDonald’s memory.

The time honored Evening of Champions was renamed in honor of McDonald who passed away this January after surviving a life changing shooting in the line of duty.

The brutal attack paralyzed McDonald from the neck down rendering him a quadriplegic who depended on a ventilator to breathe.

McDonald forgave his attacker and dedicated his life toward spreading a message of courage, dedication and forgiveness to everyone he met.

(l-r) Lt. Michael Martile, John Marano, U.S. Marine major Frank Parisi, Dafney McGrath, Patricia Ann McDonald, Anthony Faciglia, assistant chief Delatorre and Michael Bernard.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico