Letter: Behavior by neighbors at Just Home hearing was unacceptable

people in the audience of a community board 11 public heariing
Local residents cheered on those who spoke against the Just Home proposal on Sept. 29, but shouted or left when people spoke in support of the project.
Photo Aliya Schneider

To the Editor,

I was sick to my stomach upon reading the article about the recent CB11 public hearing concerning the Just Home proposal.

I raised my four children in the neighborhood and have owned my house here for more than 40 years. I was unable to attend the meeting and regret that I was not present to support the neighbors who valiantly attempted to voice some positive input about the proposal.

I can appreciate people having some legitimate questions and concerns but the vitriol, hatred and ugliness that were manifested is despicable, shameful and downright frightening.

I have to believe that this behavior is not representative of the majority of our neighbors. While uncivil discourse and blatant racism have been unleashed across the country, let’s reject it in our community.

Ruth Massey