A plan to create as many as 100 real internships for local youth for the summer of 2012 may now come to fruition.
Department of Youth and Community Development commissioner Jeanne Mullgrav made a presentation before the Bronx Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, September 21 about how the DYCD’s Ladders for Leaders internship program can benefit both businesses and students.
The Community Board 10 youth and education committee first proposed an internship program where the best and brightest high school and college students in the board could compete for internships during a committee meeting in April. The board’s program would be folded into the existing Ladders for Leaders program, said CB 10 youth and education committee chairman Robert Bieder.
In order to qualify for the program, the high school students would have to write an essay, qualify in terms of G.P.A. and recommendations, and then go on an interview after completing a DYCD training program, Bieder said.
“This is a six to eight month process, and then the students have to interview for the internships with the businesses,” Bieder said.
The Bronx Chamber held its Hispanic Heritage Luncheon on September 21, and with the presentation from DYCD, the event ended up doubling as the launch of the new internship program.
“Hopefully, we will be able to get some jobs for youths,” Chamber CEO Lenny Caro said.
The goal is to have the program up and running and providing internships by the summer of 2012, Bieder said.