Housing Year-in-Review: Bronx takes bold steps toward future with housing reforms and Metro-North expansion By Sadie Brown
Parkchester Affordable housing lottery opens in Parkchester, 1 bedrooms to go for $3,253 By Christian Murray
AMNY FARE Act becomes law without Mayor Adams’ signature, shifting NYC broker fee costs from tenants to landlords
Wakefield Affordable housing lottery launches for 50 units reserved for seniors in Wakefield By Christian Murray
AMNY ‘Tenants not tourists’: Debate rages over NYC bill to change short-term rental legislation, expand Airbnb offerings
Housing Seven Bronx council members back City of Yes zoning overhaul despite mixed local support By Sadie Brown
AMNY Mayor Adams says he won’t veto Council bill to free renters from paying broker fees, clearing way for its enactment
Morris Heights Final report finds faulty engineering plans caused 1915 Billingsley Terrace building collapse By Emily Swanson
Fordham Housing lottery launches for 50 units in Fordham Heights, rent starts at $2,910 By Ethan Marshall
Housing Mayor’s ‘City of Yes’ housing plan clears key hurdles with several Bronx council members’ support, heads to full vote Dec. 5 By Sadie Brown