Coronavirus Manhattan Got Less Wealthy While The Bronx Got Less Poor in First Year of Pandemic Suhail Bhat and Stephon Johnson, The City
Coronavirus COVID CORNER | BA.5 subvariant starts taking hold in NYC, hospitalizations on the rise By Robbie Sequeira
Coronavirus COVID CORNER | Bronx COVID metrics better than peer boroughs and counties, despite airborne illnesses By Robbie Sequeira
Riverdale COVID CORNER | Cases spike in Riverdale, city upgrades to ‘medium’ virus risk By Robbie Sequeira
Coronavirus NYC schools have spent just half of this year’s COVID relief, report says Reema Amin, Chalkbeat New York
Coronavirus New York could lift school mask mandate by March, Hochul says Christina Veiga, Chalkbeat New York
Coronavirus Walking the walk and talk: Bronx students, parents leave schools to demand hybrid learning By Sarah Belle Lin
Coronavirus Schools boss tells parents NYC might create a remote option this year Alex Zimmerman, THE CITY
Coronavirus Complaints swipe at city’s $100 vaccine payment card tech problems Claudia Irizarry Aponte, THE CITY
Gay City News Trump administration scrubs transgender references from Stonewall National Monument’s website